Tuesday, June 10, 2008

And this is what I look like, sweat rolls down my chest, my shirt is totally soaked and I have to carry a cloth to wipe the sweat out of my eyes during our exercise. Why Why Why have I been cursed this way, it's not fair. If you have any suggestions to stop the excessive sweat I would love to hear it. Thanks


The Tinney Family said...

WOW Mimi, All that sweatin must be paying off because you sure do look thin.

Tasha Guinn said...

You look amazing!

Aramie Judd Christopherson said...

I am exactly the same way! Exercising is an embarrassment because I look like I ran in a marathon when I've only walked 3 miles!

Anonymous said...

You look great!!! I can't wait to see you and Mama in person!! I was dying when I scrolled down and saw the picture of Brother Tinney then to you. Mama can't curl her hair in the morning because she's already soak and wet!! Stephanie

Kimberly said...

That is hilarious! Just think of it as fat just rolling right off of you! You're lucky!