Wednesday, August 5, 2009


We spent some days at our community pool.Perfecting her skills. CannonBall!!!!
Our first bike ride - She thought she was gonna die.

She learned to ride an adult bike. She was scared but sooooo happy.



Ashlee makes friends easily. She found a new friend everytime we went to the pool.She also had a fun day with KK a close family friend.


We made a trip to Orange City Florida to Visit my sister and my mom and dad. We sorted old pictures and laughed at Dale's many hair cuts over the years. I think all kids love to do that.


We decided to put a smile on our faces even though we were all sad she was leaving. YES she hurt her arm doing a hand stand in our living room.
We had a fun little lunch before heading to the airport.
What a great smile.

How about those beautiful blue eyes!!

Off to see the Tongi grandchildren in Utah

Matai has the most beautiful dark dark eyes.What a handsome little boy.
Matai loves to ride his little tricycle.

'Aisea enjoys all kinds of sports.

I was able to get a few pictures before my camara broke. 'Aisea is also working on his t-ball skills. Look at that hit great job.

Keep your eye on the ball!!!!

Then it was off to soccer, look at him go. His uniform is almost bigger than he is.

He also enjoy just watching-even when he's suppose to be playing.

'Aisea Graduates from Pre school.

'Aisea loved the candy Lei his mommy made for him. It's a Polynesian tradition to give lei's at graduation. Mimi just gave him a kiss.

A visit with Poppy is not a visit without a rocket launch.

Twenty miles outside of town on a desert road.Successful Launch

Tanner loved the launch too.

This picture speaks for itself, I love it.

What a fun day, you can't be a Tinney if you dont't love the rockets.

A day of Golf.

What a swing and great follow through.
Like father like son.

Like son.

Like son again.

Cody playing T-ball.

Tanner watches his brother play.Cody enjoys climbing the fence and getting to know his team mates.
Poppy giving Cody a few pointers.

Our little all-star.

Meme whips the boys into shape.

The boys decided they wanted to help clean.I let them sweep the floor clean the dishes and scrub the counter.
They are so much fun and keep me laughing.

Saturday was off to the Home Depot

Cody looks forward to his home Depot workshop weekend every month.
Is that a wonderful smile or what!

Tanner and Cody love playing at the park.

Tanner is a cutie, he looks just like his dad!
Cody is so handsome and is such a good big brother!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Check out The Meanest Mom at - - she is giving away a wonderful picture package...and her blog is a hoot!!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Girls

I wanted to post this picture of all my girls (from left to right Amy, Kynlee, Ashlee, Elizabeth and Cori). The adult girls (and the little ones) have been a rich and true blessing in my life and they are perfect for their husbands and help to round out our family. It was truley wonderful that we could have 13-14 people (8 adults and 6 children) in one house for 10 days and have no major incidents and nobody's feelings hurt. Thanks girls! It was wonderful!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Oklahoma Bombing Memorial

We went to the Oklahoma Bombing Memorial and I forgot my camara and Elizabeth won't share her stinking pictures with me, she wants to put them on her blog. HA HA But I did have the opportunity to see some very dear friends that use to live in Georgia with us-Joe and Stephanie Hunt. It was so fun to see them and spend time with their precious family. GOOD TIMES
The Memorial was a wonderful and moving experience. I think we all shed a few tears. Sometimes it's difficult to understand the evil things people do.

Rocket Day

It is tradition in the Tinney household to have a Rocket Day each time we get together. Five...Four......Three.......Two..........One............BLASTOFF!!!!!!!

Keep your eye on the Rocket

Parachute! Success!